Thursday 8 March 2012

Crazy's in my life - Time to flee

Well... here we go, this is the first blog post that I am doing and hopefully I will get some good response to this from my peers.  If not, I can always use this as a log of my trip.   It is March 8th, 2012 and I have a few more things to do to get ready.  I got to pay for a few more bills, sell my car and start packing.  If I can't sell my car, my parents said that they would take over the payments while I am gone (God bless them).  I still need to call about travel insurance and do some final closing off of some accounts like cell phone, which I should probably shut down a few days after I arrive in Australia just in case.

I am helping out the County of Simcoe training 2 new staff members that are taking over my role as IT Technician for the Libraries.  I find that I like work, but also my mind is already in vacation mode.  I hope I am doing a good job in training these guys.

I will dearly miss all the library staff that I have worked with in the past 5 years, I love them all.  I can say with confidence that they kept me going through the rough times that I have had in the past year.

New ideas to bring

  • Be Selfish (Stop being so generous)
  • Enjoy the outdoors
  • Concentrate on my health and wellness
  • Create good impressions on others
I think these are the things I need to focus on, on this trip.  

For people who are just joining my blog, I have got a 1 year work VISA in Australia.  I am graced with  a beautiful family over there, especially my Aunt Aristea.  She is graciously giving me space in her home in Sydney for the time I will be in Australia. 

I leave from Buffalo on March 20th and will be staying in LA till the 23rd.  I will be leaving from LA then going through Fiji and then arriving in Sydney at 12:00pm on the 24th.  I think this flight is split up enough not to make it too exhausting.

Los Angeles

I've never been to LA, I hope I can find some fun things to do there.  Which reminds me, I still need to book a hotel and rent a car.  If anyone has some suggestions on where to go, please email me or PM me as I have never been there. 

I am keeping everything brief for now, and will be adding more detail once I am on the road.  Stay tuned for more updates. 




  1. Hey Alex! It's me, Andie! Hope you have a fabulous time in Australia.. Sounds wicked exciting!

  2. I'll be creepin' ya the whoooole time :-) Have a blast! And don't stop being generous!


  3. Thanks Guys, I appreciate your support :)

  4. should have used wordpress ;D

    Good luck to you with everything, you'll be missed.

    As a side note, this might be of interest to you:

  5. 1 year work and travel. I wonder if you come back. I didn't. Good luck mate! Tatjana
